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Walking with Elephants in Chitwan

- from Kathmandu or Pokhara -

Nepal - 2 or more days activity

The experience of walking through the jungle together with elephants -and not over them in their backs- allows you to feel much closer to the ground, the trees, and to have the animals at your same level. There is a lot of difference in the welfare of the elephants that do not walk tourists all day on their backs and those that have to do it day in and day out as well, that is why at Plan Himalaya we do NOT do jungle safaris on the backs of elephants.

Duration 3 days (you can extend more days or do only 1 night / 1 day)

From Kathmandu or Pokhara by road or flight (also other options)

From September to June

Elephant Camp local English-speaking Guide

Activities with the elephants in a respectful way

Transportation by private vehicle (and domestic flight)


Contact us to obtain the complete dossier of this itinerary, inquiry for all the information you need and ask us any questions you may have.