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Bhutan. Snowman Trek – full itinerary (25d)

    The Snowman is said to be the trek of treks. It really is an impressive trek, covering almost the entire northern border of Bhutan with Tibet from west to east, between white peaks, glaciers, crossing a lot of mountain passes and passing through a series of isolated villages that maintain age-old traditions. But it is also a demanding trek, with 25 days of camping and the risk of unexpected snowfall blocking the way.

    Bhutan. Laya-Gasa Trek (12d)

      An amazing journey that takes us deep into the Himalayan peaks, crossing rivers, valleys and mountain passes one after the other. This itinerary is with no doubt the best option for a great trek in Bhutan. Spectacular scenery, grazing yaks, small isolated villages with deep-rooted ancient traditions are the hallmark of this great trek.

      Bhutan. Jomolhari Trek (8d)

        Named after this distinctive Bhutanese mountain, the Jomolhari Trek is the most popular in the country and attracts a large proportion of the trekkers who come to Bhutan. High mountain scenery, Himalayan peaks, small villages of yak herders that you will see grazing everywhere, and a couple of mountain-passes at almost 5000 metres. If this is the most frequented trek, there must be a reason.

        Bhutan. Druk Path Trek (6d)

          This is perhaps the most classic of Bhutan’s small treks. Following an ancient route between Paro and Thimphu, it has spectacular views, nature, Buddhist monasteries, Himalayan peaks, all in a very affordable and interesting route from Paro itself to the gates of Thimphu. A good and affordable experience for anyone who likes to enjoy the mountains and culture.

          Bhutan. Dagala, the One Thousand Lakes Trek (5d)

            The Dagala Trek is a route that stands out for a few reasons. It is an off-the-beaten-track, so you will enjoy the solitude of the surroundings. It is close to Thimphu, so it’s easy to get there. It passes through small villages, so it’s an interesting cultural experience. It has stunning views of the Himalayan peaks and, although not a thousand, it has some beautiful glacial lakes.

            Hiking in Sikkim & Darjeeling (12d)

              Both Sikkim and Darjeeling have spectacular, yet undisturbed nature, straddling dense rhododendron and pine forests with subtropical flora and the high peaks of the Himalayas that dominate the horizon. This itinerary, which we encourage you to make longer, brings you to enjoy closer to nature with some peaceful hikes.

              Darjeeling. Sandakphu by Jeep. 2-days from Darjeeling

                A short trip from Darjeeling that is quite an adventure. The Singalila National Park is dominated by the mountain range of the same name that marks the border with Nepal. Its highest peak is the Sandakphu and we reach it by Jeep on a quite complicated track that will take us on a round trip through an area with spectacular scenery and nature.

                Panchase Small Trek (2/3d)

                  The Panchase trek is a popular short trek through rural areas near Pokhara. It’s a good option for two or three days to enjoy some gentle exercise in nature, amidst forests, terraced fields, grazing buffalo, and the friendly smiles of locals going to their daily work.

                  Tíbet, Everest and Rongbuk Small-Trek (17d)

                    This trip takes you through breathtaking landscapes in the middle of an arid and frozen environment, with the highest mountains in the world as a backdrop. A route that combines a part of the journey by vehicle from Lhasa following the Friendship Route to Nepal with a short four-day trek to the foot of Everest.

                    Nepal Extrem (16d)

                      A demonstration programme of what could be an adrenaline-filled trip, practising different adventure and nature sports in the Himalayan country. From rafting to paragliding, from mountain biking to canyoning and, of course, a bit of trekking above 5000 metres altitude. Do you dare?

                      Bike Nepal (15d)

                        A trip through Nepal with two different mountain bike routes. From the forests, crops and farms of the mountainous area surrounding the Kathmandu Valley, to the semi-desert area surrounded by the high white mountains of the Lower Mustang, and then a fun descent of the mythical Kali Gandaki, following the course of the river through a deep valley of thick forests.

                        Dhulikhel, Namo Buddha and Panauti

                          To the east of Kathmandu there is an interesting triangle formed by Dhulikhel, Namo Buddha and Panauti. Old villages, Holy temples, countryside life, farms and crops, one important Buddhist Monastery and good views over the Himalayas.