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Rafting and Camping on the Trishuli

- between Kathmandu and Pokhara -

Nepal - 1 or 2 days activity

A country with Nepal’s mountainous terrain means big rivers. Many of them are quite powerful, especially in the rainy season, so some are very technically demanding. However, there are a few that are suitable for rafting for everyone. A refreshing option to do on the journey between Kathmandu and Pokhara, or directly from Kathmandu.

Duration. 1 or 2 days

Minimum group size 4 persons

Starting in Kathmandu ending in Pokhara (optional starting and ending in the same city)

Any time of the year, although river conditions vary

Transport by private vehicle

Tented accommodation (if overnight)


Contact us to obtain the complete dossier of this itinerary, inquiry for all the information you need and ask us any questions you may have.